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(a memoir)



there is nothing for me but to love you

�Can we be like snow?� Snow is so fluffy and light and fun. Can we?

This entry is more difficult than usual because lots has happened since I have last updated. How do you document all the candles that were blown out? Lots of 1's and a look on a brother's face while he finally sees what you do? Being hypnotized by a harp? Your insides fluttering? A big cardboard box with a huge surprise inside? Laughing with people you never would have been with were it not for the random placement in classes? Ben's face as he listened? You really, really can't. And now's not the time to try. Now's the time to do, or in this case, to dream.

I stood before the cake as it glowed with candles, eighteen of them. Looking around, I saw the faces of those I knew and enjoyed, surrounding me with song. My wish is a secret, but you'll know it soon enough because they always seem to somehow come true.
This is a world of juggling- school grades and homework, college applications and the vast future, boys, speech, and contentment- but it's also a world of profound happiness. You need look no further than all those smiling faces, bright and illuminating like the eighteen candles, to understand why.

leesah-likes at 11:18 p.m.

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