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(a memoir)



apex of brilliance

september ends, here and now. prepare to oct.
today i threw away my old pair of contacts. it was profound in the best sense of the word. this plastic lenses are disposeable by the month. i have neglected my poor eyes and have had this last pair in since august shortly after i arrived home from michigan. i held them at my fingertips as they dried up and i thought of all they have seen. i also thought of all i have seen through them, if there is a difference. and it became a matter of more than vision, but of experience. all i have been through and the creation of surreal goodness and the changes in even the fundamental style of which i live my life. those contacts saw things beyond great. they are now shriveled and disintegrated, yet everything they saw endures. it is all still here, and more cohereantly, in my mind.
nothing could ever compare to you. of all the people. humans, we're all the same in very big ways. yet somehow i like you above all the rest. i don't question it, i just enjoy it. and bright eyes.
this weekend will be hectic, and i have a few doubts about the meeet. i know it will all work out, i really know that. october comes, and all will be good. our house won't look quite as stupid with those lame decorations out since halloween is now tangible. the trees will reach their apex of brilliance. pumpkins galore. maybe not, but it's a nice thought. i play a beautiful reverie. october it is.

leesah-likes at 8:57 p.m.

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