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(a memoir)




Sadderday has arrived! It's half over with by now, actually. The Sepian Cycle called for my awakening at 7:48, but I disregarded it and dozed to eleven. Sleep is goodness. I could waste away under my blanket, and just might.

Today ensures success. My speech is written, and eight minutes long! I am proud. Now I must memorize. "Memorize" is a lot like "mesmerize." They mean very different things. Experience of both allows for true distinction.

Fridays taste good. Typing is wrong. These clacking fingertips can't bring proper just-ice to anything. I don't know what happens next. Cable TV sucks as much as I remember. We got a new laptop and I am eager to test it out. I'm thinking of what I should do. Typing out thee agenda. I'll spare you, and more importantly, I'll spare myself.

Because I'm fickle, that's why.

I need to absorb this nothingness. I probably shouldn't be on here, really. I should be memorizing. Thinking. Computating and et cetera.

I believe I know all too well how the human mind works. it annoys me how people do things thinking that no one will notice. examples undisclosed. and other things.

...check back with me later.

leesah-likes at 3:59 p.m.

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