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(a memoir)



second hand lightning

I like the poem engraved below the Statue of Liberty: "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus. Lazarus.. he may have been the first- if not the only- man to be reborn in the bible. I don't know why I know that. And I don't know why I digress like this. The poem. "'Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/ The wretched refuse of your teeming shore./ Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,/ I life my lamp beside the golden door'" Its goodness cannot be denied.

I work with this girl named Lindsey. She's nice and stuff, but whenever I am about to ask her a question (you know.. I say, "Lindsey...?"), she responds by saying "What-y?" Lindsey, what-y, real cute huh. Every single time.

I think that I am, in general, a very normal person. I don't doubt it, at all. I'm not sure where I am going with this, I just felt like noting it. I'm not different from anyone else. I don't judge that as good or bad, it just is. No one should dare deny me that.

On a lightly related note (?) I got a strange compliment on my best/worst necklace yesterday, or at least I contrived it to be. "Lisa.. that necklace.. it's so random!" Yay! I made normal necklaces and had beads left over and nothing to do with them, so I just strung them all and tied it. It works. Everything does.

Absolutes are just that. Everything means something. Nothing matters. This somehow includes asymptotes.

Je suis ici, je prosp�re. La tangibilit� cr�e la r�alit�. Peut-�tre pas, mais ils semblent d'une mani�re ou d'une autre aller de pair. Transmettre... en main. Quand j'ai obtenu en fait pour dormir hier soir, j'ai r�v� d'il encore. Nous braved tous les �l�ments, mais c'�tait d'une mani�re ou d'une autre de l'honn�tet� au lieu du courage. J'�tais chaud et sec. Je dirais merci pour cela. Ne pouvoir pas.. le type... et cela est probablement une bonne chose. Surreality commence � perdre son pr�fixe comme je suis avec joie me r�veille par les torrents versant en bas. Je me suis senti. Etreinte. Garder en touch..

Anything can be lost in translation, so don't. That request is as fine as any. Fun must be had by all, it simply must. Cell phone was found, thank you so much. Funness calls, even today! Umphf... tomorrow, away. I'll come back! Everyone sincerely genuinely have a nice day.

leesah-likes at 10:56 a.m.

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