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(a memoir)



assumption day

why do people let petty little things get them down. so i lost my cell phone. so what. no big deal. the dad won't be mad, nope. he'll totally understand the distraction of huge bouncy balls thrown against the back wall of target, along with the old couple that "walked" their dog by driving alongside it. stupid angus. where the hell did i put it? you try calling. be my savior, find my phone. 250-2710. i can't believe i wasted a whole paragraph on this crap. loose transition. i went today. by myself, of course. it's the only way i'll really go. today is Assumption Day, the day acknowledged as mary's death. (i don't know where the "asssumption" part comes into play..) the priest said her death made heaven feasible for any of us. mary went there, so could we. i loved hearing it. heaven... i want it beyond any desire, unfathomable to put into words. an eternity spent in divinity. would i go now if i could? to heaven? weird and perplexing thought.

assumption. cell phone. bah. tonight should have been different. and better.

there are thirty-four events in this summer olympics games. including trampoline and table tennis.. but they won't show that. instead they'll show the us men's basketball team being disgraced. and more of ian, which is not too complainable.

tomorrow is monday. then comes tuesday. lunch with ben. all with no work, hopefully play. wednesday.. would do dan's thing but no go to bozeman instead for two days. friday.. work all day, possibly for the last time. my week is somehow notable, hence the noting above. then another week. then school. i could keep going but somehow i could note to my death in short fragmented sentences if i did that. i refuse to sulk. maybe.

at j.d.'s there was this book of love peoms and i thought they all completely sucked. there is also a book illustrating all possible situations for bunny suicides, it's funny. julian impressed me. our frappes... new company, adam good he maybe liked my song. it's a good one, that's why he liked it. eric had "cars and calories" on his CD, i'm impressed once again. plus he let me hold the wheel and steer a few times for fun. and was sweet enough to help me look extensively. impressivity. sensitivity.. and no one saw it coming.

i don't know what else to say. going to sleep is somehow pointless and wrong. i can wander the net, think about trivial things, pray for heaven, find my phone. talk to someone so they understand. or assume.

A funny edit seems necessary, if you know what i mean. good idea.

leesah-likes at 10:46 p.m.

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