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(a memoir)




Hi, goodnight. That-one-thing where I have troubles sleeping at night has set in. We both know what the term is, so it needn't be used. Let's just say that if it didn't have the definition it does, it would make a really pretty girl's name.

Speaking of names, I decided one for my latest hippo. I acquired it while in Michigan. This one looks a bit upset with large jaws and such, so I am going to name it "Medullo" as an adaption from the Medulla Oblongata. It all makes sense, you see. I really like my hippos.

Dammit, when I am searching for a lost item around the house, do not try to help me find it by asking "Well, where was the last place you saw it?" GRRrr! Oh no, I don't lash though, I repress.

I thought it had been previously stated that it was at least hoped for that none of that stuff would apply to the near-distant future. I mourn misty eyes. The identity that inspired the posting of such a song is irrelevant, it's just so.. sad. Is rock really dead? OK, windowsill, tunisia. Seriously.

Let's be a bit hopeful and say I didn't call it, my friend. The email vexed me with its explanations. We are due for some serious ground-laying (the last paragraph here ) ... do I look limited with my characters? heh heh. We are due.

Insomnia (brarp) by choice, I'd say. Why sleep. I have, what, like THREE WEEKS left of this undaunted freedom. I'll stay up. Upward, onward. The night is good. Goodnight.

leesah-likes at 11:50 p.m.

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