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(a memoir)



what juice?!

Today was a day of ups and downs. And I'm not feeling very eloquent though so I'll just put it all in perspective in comparison to beverages.

Lemonade: Finding a good Deathcab for Cutie CD at Borders, and discovering this hologram-thingy in it upon opening the case.

V-8: Bunbun died last night. The only thing sadder than this occurence was seeing how bummed his owner was.

Lemonade: Talking to my brother. Edward is a good man, and I can't help but still want to be like him.

V-8: Julian is leeaving! And our trips overlap so I won't see him until August 14 at the earliest! This is very sad news.

Lemonade: He is going to have a great time, we talked all about it. Plus, he promised to call and write.

V-8: Elena screaming in my ears for no apparent reason. She should really stop doing that.

Lemonade: I convinced Edward to rent "2001 Space Odyssey"

V-8: Watching it will remind me of how it's one of Julian's favorites!

Lemonade: Bothwell's back from Wisconsin, and Ben prolly is too. And I have Jake's number, we can all meet sometime.

V-8: I spent over one hundred dollars today...!

Lemonade: All my purchases were good ones: new walkmans, some clothes, CD's, books (including Dune), and playing cards with classial composers on them.

V-8: This sad yet well-filmed movie we watched about a school shooting, called "Elephant." It was hard to watch, but very insightful.

Lemonade: I get to see s'more friends tomorrow! Yayness, that will be nice. Really nice, in fact.

V-8: I keep thinking about someone and biting my lip in anxiousness while listening to some songs that I love to hear. This is a bad thing, right?!

When all is said and done, the rest of the day was pretty level and a blend of both good and bad. Imagine that, a tasty mix of V-8 and Lemonade! Sound's tasty! Now we'll just have to see what I brew up tomorrow...

leesah-likes at 10:39 p.m.

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