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(a memoir)



the changing ten's place

Cheers to twenty.
Cheers to me.

The numbers don't matter that much, they just increase annually. But here I am introduced to a new digit in the ten's place: a novel Two. And it's appearance can't help but spark some intrigue. It's technically a pivot, the finale of the teen-age years and the threshold of adulthood. I can smile to myself over the multiple meanings that can have, like abandoning emo crying sprees to become one of those people who tucks a pen against the spine of their checkbook for easy access. I've never been big on that kind of coherency and the way society generalizes some aspects of life like age... unless it gives me the opportunity to be sentimental and reflective, of course.
This kind of duality compels me, as I'm both a precocious youngperson and an effervescent oldperson. I make for one sagacious juvenile and quite the blunt and capricious adult. I like that. It allows me to see the twenty in a very important way: as my own. It is my 20, to be it as I would like. And I am passionately dedicated to my own special individual Lisa-ish life, despite (or perhaps even because of) challenges and hardships.
I'm going to celebrate myself, not with a staunch ego but with love for all that comprises my existence. Above any reflection I could have on the event, I am excited. I am eager, I am willing, I am ready. And that is what I most bask in when it comes to my own life- the avid enthusiasm I bring to the experience, manifested in poetry, romance, attempted wit, scribbles, smiles, whatever. Whole-mind-and-hearted yay.
Hooray for me. Welcome twenty.

leesah-likes at 11:42 p.m.

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