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(a memoir)



a respite, if you will.

I am preparing to assert that I am on hiatus.
The declaration is tentative and may be retracted at any instant, but the thought of it needs to be presented.
The year is drawing to and end. I've nearly completed my primary year of college. In the scope of my life thus far, that's pretty notable for me. I feel both proud and lucky for what I've experienced so far. I prefer to be vague about things rather than document details in a hefty and technical manner. This memoir, afterall, has always been more dedicated in its use as a creative and emotive conduit for my thoughts rather than a log of events. But let's go over some basics.
I love some people here. I've met them, gotten to know them better, and now I love them. I will miss them this summer and be excited to see them again come September. But Carleton seems to be a contained world, and being away from it is a distinct and exciting prospect.
I am taking Epistomology, American Literature, and Latin Prose next term. All good classes.
Petie is now back from China. I want to talk to her always.
I am not returning. I am not going back to Montana, not for a long while. Instead I'll be here... Image hosted by
...working as a "ride host." That's honestly all I know so far. We'll see how it goes. It will be a challenge, but I want this.
My brother's in Chicago, starting life. I think of him and wish him well.
My family at home is shifting houses. No more walking to Julian as easily.
There's a guy here who I really like and he really likes me too and it's awesome.
I'm going to be closer to my family in Michigan this summer, which will be awesome. They'll only be like two hours away.
I'll have private beach access. This is very good.

Maybe I'll write more later. This isn't anticlimactic, it's an indicator of busyness. I have a paper to write, exams to study for. A room to box up. Sighs to have throughout it all. Hiatus here I come.

leesah-likes at 3:45 p.m.

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