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(a memoir)




Hola. It didn't take me too long.

Since when did romantic escapades ever become so laborious? Honestly, the whole prospect connecting with a compatible boy-thing is positively arduous. I find myself riding a fine line between interesting and weird, and I'm constantly teetering toward the latter.
It takes soo much energy, which is something I haven't exactly been bursting of lately. I have to, like, find someone, and then have something �interesting� (heh) to say and such. I almost resent Petie when I see how easy she makes it seem. For me, it's actually a lot of work! And I could elaborate with examples to support that statement, but it would just come off as a bunch of whining about how I make it harder on myself than I really should, and I would never want to do that! Oh, heavens, no! Unthinkable. Profe Baca would say, �Claro!

I've decided that this entry might as well be a glaze. It shall glaze over what this memoir has sporadically been pithily recording- the cessation of my final high school first semester, the last state tournament, and all the tumultuous (or, perhaps not. Insert adjective of personal preference there) experiences that lie therein.
Due to a glaze's consistency, though, at least based on my personal experience- the glaze ultimately echoes the shape of what lies underneath it. And so shall my writings, I s'pose, inevitably.

I'm guessing I didn't just explain that very well. That's okay. I know what I mean.

Chinese New Year was on the 29th. We are now entering the year of:
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(according to the Chinese calendar, it is year 4703. This all interests me to a minimal extent.)

You know, when you think about Harrison Ford, do you realize that means his first name is �Harrison�? Isn't that odd. �Hello, Harrison.� �Oh, Harrison!� It sounds weird. But he doesn't look like a �Harry.�

Glaze is usually smooth, though. I apologize.

When I was touring Willamette with Petie and Ben, there was a big TV in one of the rec rooms of this dorm we went in. It was a Saturday morning, so most of the campus was still asleep and recovering from the night before. There were big couches in front of the TV, and there was this groggy-looking guy laying across them, watching old Nickelodeon cartoons. That right there was a bonus thumbs-up for the college.

You know what I feel like advocating right now? Protestation without pontification.
I feel like so often, when people take a stand, they do it with a sense of self-righteousness that is rather hypocritical. Bahh, I'm liberal, I'm open-minded, look at me wave this sign and take a stand; I am a sputtering and significant person (not to say they're not). You can tell just by the way some people carry their hippy-esque beliefs that perhaps they are a bit too proud. I wasn't going anywhere with this. It was just a mini-rant sparked by nothing whatsoever.
I hope people give me some money for college. I certainly need it.

This time last month, I was dancing to Marumba drums.
This time next month, I'll be.. uhh.. nevermind, February only goes to 28.

My current reads:

Introduction to Existentialism (a University of Chicago Press book)
Speaker for the Dead(I must read of these talking trees, plus I heart Ender)
A Severed Wasp (Things you learn from a college admissions officer during an interview: Madeline L'Engle writes adult books as well.)

You know, dear, quite honestly, I don't know what happens next. I have somewhat of an idea, but it is so hard to truly know such things, you know? The future beholds sunshine; we can be aware of that much to say the least. We shall bask in it as best we may.

leesah-likes at 8:35 p.m.

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