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(a memoir)



Items Purchased at Wal-Mart

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1. a timer

2. men's face wash

3. big pearl earrings

1. "Live Every Minute." That's what I plan to eloquently say on Friday-Saturday at the tournament when I do MPA (and thus need a timer). I'm excited about it. I have absolutely no expectations, I just want to share the speech/message with others so that maybe they can enjoy it as much as I do. I'm pretty memorized. Impromptu will miss me!

2. Apparently, when my mom went to visit Edward, he had flawless skin. While my complexion isn't terrible, I find pimples are inevitably annoying. We checked out the skin care selection and decided, actually, on the one that he uses. It smells a little like a man! It has a tad of that mascular man aftershave scent. I really like it!

3. So I go shopping for a dress, which is supposed to be really difficult. I find the perfect one, exactly what I was looking for, in a matter of five minutes of shopping for one. And it was on sale. And I got a size smaller than I thought I would need. Yussss. Oh, yeah. The earrings will go cute with the dress. :)

Onward and upward...! Now is an exciting time to be alive. See you around the bend.

leesah-likes at 9:18 p.m.

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