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(a memoir)




conversation temporarily stored for further examination.
.sunsetter. says:
the sunset this evening was glorious.. simply magical and i got to watch it with jon and was killer
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
no, i mean "HOT" hot. are you?
.sunsetter. says:
like temperature? or sexy hot?
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
i know it was killer. i'm glad you enjoyed it with friends. i was inside beading petie a necklace.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
czechloslovakian crystals. from when it was stilla country, i guess.
.sunsetter. says:
aww.. it was tres beau... and yes i am the epitome of sexyhot
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
no i meant the stateofbeing, lizz.
.sunsetter. says:
right on... the czechs were kool kids
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
like do you feel hott
.sunsetter. says:
oh. i dont kow
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
i wish i was a good typererer
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
oh you don't? okay.
.sunsetter. says:
meh? i am confused about the origins of this questions.. but just to be silly i will say yes. i am teh hot
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
sorry. i get bored and horny sometime. not horny toward you, don't freak out, i'm polar opp. from lesbianism, buti get curious and ask.
.sunsetter. says:
oh ok.
.sunsetter. says:
i love the fact that youre terribly blunt and just said that.. plus ten points
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
terribly? you mean wonderfully? damn. i need a kiss, but i am too picky and difficult!!!
.sunsetter. says:
hmm.. weird story, i ll try to keep it short. logan is in town this weekend and i know he likes me and has for sometime but i view him as a friend, after having a brief crush on him. now he lives in missoula but he still hugs me a lot and is, in leesah language. and its weird
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
yeah i know what you mean.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
logan whooo?
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
doyou "get hot" when he hugs you?!!

.sunsetter. says:
logan reilly.. i doubt you know him, and if you did he has totally changed from the all annoying one he once was.
.sunsetter. says:
no i dont get hott. but its weird because i know he wants to be with me, i dont want to be with him, but sometimes i think it would be fun.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
yeah it mightbe. it sounds dumb and mean to talk like this,but i have guys like that sometiems. it's flattering.
.sunsetter. says:
indeed it is
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
i couldnt' bring myself to do it.
.sunsetter. says:
yeah.. i dont want to hand out kisses to anyone
.sunsetter. says:
damn matt and that kissing.. but i dont regret it. it was fun.. but almost seems like a bit of a waste
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
NO kisses are not wasted! ugh i want one! (not from matt tho )
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
hmm... who could we recruit (two separate males) to be our kiss-on-demand buddies?
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
it's not that easy either, though.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
i woudl never go for that, neither woudl you. sorry, i know ur joking
.sunsetter. says:
yeah.. im glad you know im joking otherwise it would be weird
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
it is fun. it keeps the innocent yet romantic/horny side of the mind busy.
.sunsetter. says:
yes yes. my sentiments exactly
.sunsetter. says:
so, what else?
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
i don't want to live in the past
.sunsetter. says:
me either
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
sometimes i remind myself that iw asn't just thinkinng about him
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
and it's ironic
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
because then it all floods back
.sunsetter. says:
sadistic, isnt it?
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
yeah. i hate it.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
and soemtiems it is a race. he might be over it completely, and then i have won. when our memories disintegrate.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
i dont' necessarily know what i am saying here. forgive me.
.sunsetter. says:
i think i got it.. the first one to forget and be over it wins
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
it is a game in some sense
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
and maybe only to me
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
and that makes it even sadder
.sunsetter. says:
no no.. perhaps in looking at is as such you will see incentive to forget him, not him, butforget the pain of an end
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
i really dont' know.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
the best htign about pain is that it leaves.
desiring roMANce.. haha says:
oh that's good
.sunsetter. says:
ah yes.. so poetic
.sunsetter. says:
however i beg to differ. the best thing about pain is that it teaches one the consequence of ones action
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
or, unfortunately, someone else's actions.
.sunsetter. says:
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i guess you could say all pain is self-inflicted, but i hate to think i did this to myself.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
that thought terrifies me. honestly.
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
all pain is not self inflicted and my previous statemnt regarding my personal opinion on pain is terribly cynical and in the end probalby self depricating. furthermore i dont wholeheartedly believe that statement myself
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
ok. ok.
.sunsetter. says:
teehee.. i like the fact you posted the definition of joie de vivre on your blog
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
thanks. i like it.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
thank you for reading. it means sommat.
.sunsetter. says:
same here. i like attention.. but your blog is very eloquent and mine is scattered and .... unlegible for lack of a better adjective
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i like yours.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
no self-deprecation, ok?
.sunsetter. says:
am i self depricating?
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
No, you're not.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
are you alone?
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
well, my family is in my house. but i am alone in my room
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
it's a goodway to be.
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
why did you ask if i was alone?
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i didn't want to say anytihng inappropriate. w e do not share friends.
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
i doubt my friends would care much.. they are fairly mellow
.sunsetter. says:
so say and say away
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i realize that
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
but sometiems i am furtive toward whom i trust
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
and not them.
.sunsetter. says:
yes... very much yes
.sunsetter. says:
ok.. i am going to tell you stuff about you.. and this is my perception . furthermore i am not the most articulate person. if i donot make sense, force me to elaborate.. okay go. first off you have a completely different and wonderful view of life.. you and i know that you truely do try to find one ray of light in even the most philosophically degenerate person to bask in and one iota of wisdom to add to your vast repetoire.
.sunsetter. says:
you have the profound ability to succeed in every cuircumstance i have witnessed of the aformentioned leesah trait. you are terribly, wonderfully blunt. itis an awesome quality. people need to hear and know and you never cease to tell and say. you continuously add to my day whenever you grace my time with your presence and the business you mentioned about me not knowing how cool you are, it is true that i donot know you through and through, i doubt anyone does. the same as me. i feel disconnected, perhaps a wee bit with myself. mostly with others. i do not feel understood, i have found little solace in this realm.
.sunsetter. says:
but i would love to actually know and understand you, however time is against us, as well as distance. sucks. have you ever read lord of the flies? i think i may have told you about this before..ask me if not...alright, one thing is you are a wee bit self depricating, but then justify your statement or feeling with the reason why you feel this way about yourself. i think we all do this. know who you are, stand rooted in the confidence and charisma that defines you. i cannot fully know how hard, or good, life is or can be right now for you. but i can say that these are the times are experiences that form us, donot grow bitter, albeit i doubt you ever could be ,
.sunsetter. says:
you are ever morphing and being molded into a new creation but the innerleesah is already solid and a born salient. you have no qualms about who you are, and those who have qualms with the you are firstly sophomoric for having qualms, secondly blind, and lastly are of no importance. do not let these qualmers squelsh the you. again i doubt you have a problem with this.. you are saucy leesah
.sunsetter. says:
and i think i am done for now. i just wanted you to know that. i think you already did... in that case i was just practicing typing.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i can't tell you how much i appreciate it
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
and that in some sense it is just what i need to hear. thank you. really.
.sunsetter. says:
no worries
.sunsetter. says:
i think i needed to tell you.
.sunsetter. says:
i really do love you leesah.
.sunsetter. says:
in the non-hott sense
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
thanks. a lot. tired yet?!
.sunsetter. says:
yeah.. but tired is good. it reminds me i am alive and that its not just caffeine surging through my veins
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i'm gladyou like the feeling. like it for me, too.
.sunsetter. says:
so what are you up to and this hour?
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
talking topeople. some have gossip leverage. its' bad vibes.
.sunsetter. says:
uh oh
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
one just told me a friend called me plastic.
.sunsetter. says:
kick his butt
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
i'm trying not to get caught up in the pettyness, yet i quesiton it, i reallydo
.sunsetter. says:
its hard not to get caught up.. sometimes i want to be deeply involved in it, just to see what its like.. but then i regret that wish.. it is not happy. no joie de vivre found there
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
it's true. but when he tells me... don't i have to at least consider it? i dont' know.
.sunsetter. says:
perhaps.. but talk with her.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
it will be hard. it might be worth confronting her on though.
.sunsetter. says:
ask her to back up that comment, that is a serious thing..being plastic
.sunsetter. says:
yes indeedy. its nice to have someone tell you your faults and things you need to work on, but only to your face in a friendly, self-betterment, tactful way
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
tact is difficult i am bad at it. i feel it can be manipulative and insincere.. huh.. ironic.
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
tact is good when wanting to salvage and keep in tact (pun not intended) a friends feelings
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
this is true.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
lizz, you are a fountain of goodness and pure wisdom tonight. not fermented, old-with-age wisdeom, but fresh and genuine. i enjoy it!
.sunsetter. says:
.sunsetter. says:
i have my moments where my wisdom wells up into a fountain said with much self-irony
.sunsetter. says:
i think you would appreciate these: "Of all human pursuits, the pursuit of wisdom is the more perfect, the more noble, the more useful, and the more full of joy." --St Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles 1:2

"faith...has no fear of reason but seeks it out and has trust in it" -- Pope John Paul II, Fides et Ratio 43:2

"Philosophy begins in wonder and ends in wisdom." -- Plato
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
yes, i do like those. to hell with giving an impromptu speech on them , though.
.sunsetter. says:
yeah .. they are just meant to be inspirationalesque
.sunsetter. says:
haha.. oh my stars and garters... i just feel like laughing
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
what?! lol
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
you got me to
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
stars and garters.. wtf?!
.sunsetter. says:
oh come on.. have you no yo olde cliches?
.sunsetter. says:
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
oh not like that. that was just plain ridiculous.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
whoa, bed time came and went.
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
we'll talk more later, that's worth living for!
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
goodnight, comrade.
.sunsetter. says:
nite nite..
.sunsetter. says:
oh one random thought:
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
.sunsetter. says:
i think one of the best reasons to like sunsets is that it feels like you are putting the [relative] world to bed.. its nice, it makes you feel in conact with something great and more universal than ones self..
.sunsetter. says:
just thought you wanted to know my random thoughts
.sunsetter. says:
go to sleep
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
the best thing about pain is that it leaves. says:
thank you thank you.
.sunsetter. says:
yeehaw.. nite nite *hug*

leesah-likes at 1:16 a.m.

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