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(a memoir)



choose and live

the sky is clear and pretty and it is 9:47 in the morning and julian is back and we are all going boating at jarrett's and that will be lots of fun!
adam and petie and dan maybe will also be there and we will just be good and in the sun and there will be waves and i love it!
thomas was so nice to me last night. i want to say he is really funny but i sort of don't want to because i don't know if he'd like that description.
the radio in the bathroom just automatically turned itself on- someone probably set an alarm or something- but it's peculiar, because it went right into "jack and diane." life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.
i like thom. he asked, so like an idiot i spoke. wasn't even sure what to say. the words don't just always come like that. it was so good to just have him sit through it.
but i already feel better.
i knew better, and now i feel better.
i'm not picking up that rope.
i'm not missing out on anything.
i've decided in recollection that i don't like the new willy wonka, or as thomas puts it, "johnny depp and the chocolate factory." i am still waiting to see his fangs.
i love tubing! i love kristine! LIZZ!!!
michael is finally getting closer to what he deserves (i speak of the idea, not necessarily the person, but, well, sure). i am SO HAPPY FOR HIM! yay. yay. i love feeling happy for other people. petie is in beautiful love. julian is joyous to be back. adam got an "a" on his midterm. lizz finds contentment. michael is getting what he wanted. more, more. yusssss.
why, but why not?! this slate of life, world is neutral. choose the positive. the upside, the good. take the energy to choose it and to live it.
my voice is groggy right now. i am thinking about the sun. and harry potter.
stop lookinggg! choose and live. goodDaY!

leesah-likes at 9:47 a.m.

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