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(a memoir)




I'm not too worried about college. It'll happen eventually, they all seek you out anyway because they want your money, so that doesn't leave much left to do besides fill in those wretched circles on the tests and fill out the application forms. Fill in, fill out. Edward says that no matter where you go you can get a good education, and I'm going off of that. Stupid future.
i don't like ranch dressing, either.
Can you imagine someone getting mad at an inanimate object? For, like, no reason? Isn't that what life is like sometimes, anyways? I can get so mad and dislike stuff out of my own inflicted frustration and anger, and the object or person of whom I claim inspired said anger (my english teacher, in this case), really might as well be an inanimate object. It's dumb to metaphorically yell at a piece of grass for nothing but what it's supposed to do, no matter how much it bothers you. woof.
twelve lords a' leaping, eleven pipers piping, ten drummers drumming, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a' milking, seven swans a' swimming, six geese a' laying, five golden rings. four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a a pear tree.
My mom was going to make Sloppy Joes for dinner tonight, but she "didn't feel like running out" to buy some ground beef. So we had potstickers. I could smell it when I walked in. I was (obviously) disappointed.
I understand why people do not like romantic comedies. Romantic anything that's not real. It's just not that good.
You know that song with the electric flute?! I why-why-why-why wonnnder, why...!
If someone went up to me and told me I wasn't good enough, I might just smile and nod and say, "I know." I wouldn't cry about it. Maybe I'm not sensitive. Maybe I am independent. Maybe I am.
I was reading something funny, oh I think it was Reader's Digest. It mentioned an anecdote where a man ordered something from a fast-food restaurant where they call out your name along with what you ordered so you can pick it up. He heard, "Angel, your wings are ready!" Haaahaahahaaa
My mom is talking to my dad about how she bought two leather gloves for her brothers for Christmas and how my dad supposedly took them and is wearing them. "Sure, I took the tag off. The first thing I want to do is take the tag off and wear gloves. I saw them on the stairs." He's a bit sarcastic. These are the things my parents argue about. It's not about me, but I typed it here. Maybe I am uninspired. I don't think so.
Second period is the hardest because I sit there and wait for the clock to change. Reoxidization is simple enough, it makes sense, but I can't do it. I'll learn it before the test on Tuesday, but the time between now and then must be established. I have to take nitrate samples on Friday after school, and I do not know how to crack open an egg embryo. This is science at work here.
I'll believe anything you tell me.
I want to sleep well tonight. I have to read, have a lesson, et cetera. Each flake in its own rite tumbles to it's destination. The sky gave up by giving downward to us. Can you understand that...? It may be the thesis of this entry. The sky's "up" is downward, toward us. Could we be more grateful?! Yes. We could. Snowflake fingahprint. You have a place in my snow. now it is snowing. now is snow. now's snow. snow is now. snow's now.

leesah-likes at 7:04 p.m.

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