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(a memoir)




The great Americal novelist John Steinbeck once described his good friend Ed Ricketts to be "as concupiscent as a bull terrier."

I'm excited for the next Star Wars movie to come out...!

Gingerbread cookies are good, people do not appreciate them as much as they probably should. This, as always, includes myself.

*"dd" is a pair-o'-D.
Martha Stewart was incredibly active throughout her high school career. Think about it. Or don't.

The new high school they will build here is supposedly going to be called "La Mancha." My dad says that means "the spot," almost like an ink blot or something. I told him that's a really dumb name for a school and he told me in response that they wouldn't call it that without a reason, lest a good one.

The sky should just pick a color already. I don't even really consider that grey-white shade to be anything. I prefer the darkness to that.

I know I've been having really weird dreams but I have been quickly and conveniently forgetting them.

"Kelly" is a type of "green."

go here and enjoy. Especially the "Matt's Rabbit" ones, featuring Boon. they're rather funny. if someone figures out what the ph# 873-3739 spells, please tell me!

i miss my cousins

if you happen to see a koosh that is black, teal, and magenta... please let me know where so that i can find and reclaim it.

leesah-likes at 7:20 p.m.

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