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(a memoir)



perched atop

Here it is, the opportunity to write something profound and consummately glorious. All in a dainty little text box. I think I'm gonna make it wait.

Things will get better. They always do. How's that for optimism!? You know what's considerably uninteresting? To hear people tell you what they dreamt about. Wow, that's really neat-o, but there is just no reason to tell me about it. Personally, I record my dreams in a "dream journal" (which I know sounds lame -o) and read them later for my *own* amusement. The only time you should ever tell me about your dreams is if I am (or the person to tell your dream to) interestingly involved. Like I was your mother, or the person who inflicted deadly wrath upon your soul. This could be "me hearing"-worthy, but that's about it was far as dreams go. Because I seem to so adamantly feel this way, I will reciprocate this understanding by not telling you how I dreamed about getting challenged to box Kara Walker (the hugest, roughest girl on our 8th grade basketball team) in a till - death match. Maybe you were in the crowd egging her on to finish me off already. Sorry bout that.

I walked 'round town listening to Dave Barry today. He is quite the cynic, pretty amusing and rather accurate. He's a tell-it-like-it-is person. We could never be friends. I don't think I could handle someone who always pointed out things the way he does, even if they are true. His circumcision article was pretty funny though. There's actually an anti-circumcison organization called R.E.C.A.P.... bet you can guess what the "p" stands for. This would amuse Eric if he was allowed to read this.

Fourth of July back in the good ol' hometown, hopefully it will be as fun as it sounds. The best place to watch the fireworks is to be perched atop Riverside Hill, sprawled out on a comfy banket and cozily wrapped inside a boy's arms. Looking out upon the river, where the remnants of the dazzling lights slowly descend. That is the place to be. But I probably won't be There. Maybe next time. You can come if you want to. This is a sincere invitation.

Text boxed filled. I talked a lot, but really said nothing. The Cat in the Hat is smarter than you would presume at first. Oh, yeah. Bye. Ben Kweller says bye too, so do Bob Marley and Alvin and his Chipmunks.

leesah-likes at 2:44 p.m.

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