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(a memoir)



'sall i got

my life right now can pretty much be summed up by the lyrics of some awesome songs. it's all i really got.

(( physical state of body and mind ))

"Brain Stew" Green Day

I'm having trouble trying to sleep

I'm counting sheep but running out

As time ticks by

And still I try

No rest for crosstops in my mind

On my own... here we go

My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed

Dried up and bulging out my skull

My mouth is dry

My face is numb

freaked up and spun out in my room

On my own... here we go

My mind is set on overdrive

The clock is laughing in my face

A crooked spine

My sense dulled

Passed the point of delerium

On my own... here we go


(( stupid awkward geeklove thoughts for some boy))

"El Scorcho" Weezer

Goddamn you half-Japanese girls

You do it to me every time

oh, the redhead said you shred the cello

And I'm jello, baby

But you won't talk, won't look, won't think of me

I'm the epitome of Public Enemy

Why you wanna go and do me like that?

Come down on the street and dance with me

I'm a lot like you so please

Hello, I'm here, I'm waiting

I think I'd be good for you

and you'd be good for me

I asked you to go to the Green Day concert

You said you never heard of them

-How cool is that?-

So I went to your room and read your diary:

"watching Grunge leg-drop New-Jack through a press table..."

and then my heart stopped:

"listening to Cio-Cio San."

fall in love all over again

How stupid is it? I can't talk about it

I gotta sing about it and make a record of my heart

(How stupid is it? Won't you give me a minute

Just come up to me and say hello to my heart) How stupid is it?

For all I know you want me too

and maybe you just don't know what to do

or maybe you're scared to say: "I'm falling for you"

I wish I could get my head out of the sand

'cuz I think we'd make a good team

and you would keep my fingernails clean

but that's just a stupid dream that I won't realize

'cuz I can't even look in your eyes without shakin', and I ain't fakin'

I'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon.

leesah-likes at 12:31 a.m.

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