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(a memoir)



gangsta drawls

everything turned out all right in the end. i supposed it does. that sounds oddly optimistic, something i cannot explain.

tonight i have done many a things. some included buying redneck clothes at the $1 store (and wearing them), stalking a skateboarder, stalking guys in a car, speaking loudly in a southern drawl, taking a picture of a homeless guy, cruising main, and having shopping cart wars. and a lot more. that lamely sounds like a blast because it was. the most fun i've had in a while. i'm actually still wearing my gangsta bandana. it is pink.

i couldn't be happier that the week is over, but i have so much shit to do. i think i'll stay up and watch conan and laugh some more.

this entry seems meaningless, serves no point except to remind me that this happened because due to certain substances i might forget. that sounds really bad but it wasn't. remember lisa, you did not sell out. not exactly. but you had an effing good time nontheless. you are a lot more than just some student. that's not who you are, it's just a little piece. peace.

leesah-likes at 10:25 p.m.

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