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(a memoir)



creative writing: room 101

When I have to write deliberately, as an assignment, I feel pressure, and a lack of spontaneity; I feel myself desperately seeking Truth in the ballroom- clumsily weaving my way through the dancers and roughly brushing shoulders with everyone in the maze of the crowd, looking frantically for Her (truth MUST be a lady, don't you think?!).
I would rather come across Truth casually, perhaps introduced by a mutual friend, perhaps we'll catch each others eye on accident and be mildly compelled by the allure of the connection, and then we shall somehow find ourselves dancing, together, gracefully, trading off taking the lead. I want the truth, I yearn for it, but yearning is mere whimpering, and desire is immaterial when it is not manifested into a motivation.
Truth, my dear lady, please forgive me for the academic constraints (which I resent), and the pressure of our rigid timetable. May I just please have this dance???

I've changed my mind, I'm going to rip myself free from the snag. Some day we�ll get another chance to be together, and if we don�t, it�s okay, because life will go on, and it will be marvelous anyway.

leesah-likes at 1:20 a.m.

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