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(a memoir)



impatiently wanting time

I've never been too good at endings.

I get too sentimental, too reflective, too contemplative.
Just let it conclude, Lisa.

It's never that easy for me. I let go slowly. This will take me a while, to unclench my fingers from the grasp of you. My hand has been so well-formed like this.
Give me time. I need to give myself time.

I don't want to delve into the sweet memories, I don't want to be optimistically selective when I'm remembering us. I don't want to want.

I'm not going to write about it any more; I don't feel like getting inspired by this strain.
I just want a little time. You'll be gone in a week. I can't wait.

leesah-likes at 10:38 a.m.

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