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(a memoir)



verses of life

I am never satisfied with the status quo.
I find happiness and comfort in the present state,
But I will not allow myself to be stagnant in complacency.
I must strive toward something more
Nudge and stretch myself to improve
Every day in every way I want to get better.

I like situations that make me think
About multiple perspectives and interpretations
I like being challenged by thoughts and feelings
With the aim of the greatest happiness and wellbeing
For all people involved.
I like remembering, basking, and hoping.

I want to climb more trees.
I want to take more walks with people
And find something interesting to say
About myself and my life.
Sometimes I tell myself I want romance and grandeur.
What I mostly want is sincerity and simply feeling good.

I am confident in how I behave in most situations
Except for when I say useless or excessive things.
I want to be a diligent, engaged student,
But I am lacking the passion right now.
It would also be nice to laugh more
And be consumed by many forms of art.

I do not yearn for another life.
I willingly take this one and I overall enjoy it.
I like using all of my senses, all of them
Because they�re all really great and different ways
To perceive and consider the world.
And then there is also my own reality in my mind.

My reality is a little less patient, a little more na�ve.
I try to keep it dormant and just acknowledge my idealism
Rather than apply it to the world.
I don�t feel like talking about this right now
Because I�m not sure where I was going with it.
Something about self-awareness. I�m self-aware.

Friendship is one of my primary values
Because people are so fascinating and enjoyable
And it�s so wonderful to make exquisite connections
With another thinking, feeling, living human beings.
I prefer people who are dynamic and bright like me.
But I�ll be nice to just about anyone.

I�m not sure what I want out of life
Besides my inanities and simple pleasures,
Striving to happily and progressively improve,
And to maintain old friendships and make new ones.
And also think about the world and people�s minds
How we tick, and all those sorts of things.

I know I�m just another person
And that sometimes I wade my poetry.
I know lots of things about me
But I like spontaneity and sometimes I surprise myself
And I think that is good.
And I don�t know what happens next, but I�ll enjoy it.

leesah-likes at 6:51 p.m.

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