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(a memoir)




We get Franklin-Covey catalogs mailed to my house because my mom ordered a portfolio from there once.
Did you know they offer performance improvement workshops? They are based upon the concepts in the famed book, "Seven Habits for Highly Effective People" and they cost around $800 for two days.
I wonder if that includes hors d'oeuvres.
sheesh. There's so much I could write about. Sometime and someday (respectively, of course), I'll find the time and place.

*It's time for one of those cheesy third-person narratives that I haven't done since then*

She gave to the sharp left turn she created, softly uphand gripping the steering wheel on the bottom part. The arm rose as the wheels, all five of them, turned to the path. She parked at the first available place alongside the road, and got out abruptly with ipod in hand. The car door is closed with a pressing of the shoe sole against it, and the park is awaiting.

She turns her ipod on to a good, uplifting song that will resonate through there, and allows herself a first few steps to gain the footing she wants. As her walking progresses, she is overtaken with the music and her steps blend into the earth beneath them.

She forgets her feet and body as she enters the rose garden. The air is temperate and intangible in a wonderfully paradoxical way. Her temperature is one with the atmosphere, so she feels neither hot nor cold; simply her lovely skin is open to the air to infuse and refresh her.

She sees a man approaching from the other way, and recognizes him with glee. He stops first, as if to greet the conversation. She removes her headphones and her eyes graze upon his familiar endearing newsboy hat. Robby is shuffling at his feet, his ears erect as ever.

"It was Robby's five-year birthday the other day.. and Angus is still around as well."

She nods with an open grin and listens earnestly, even slightly giggling while she listens and also glances upon the surrounding greenery.

"Whatever you're smiling about, keep it a secret. It will make all the boys wonder, but never tell."

Her cheeks are taut by this point with sincere happiness, and she waves goodbye to Robby after a final petting.

With each following step, she is instilled with the surrounding vibrance. The music is uplifts her insides, and the sun is perceptible in the sky, which seems massive but somehow manageable. Her step is a small bounce as the balls of her feet readily lift each time.

She offers a sigh and sings quietly and passionately along, taking in the air as she best can. Boys her age are fishing and they look like they might be cute, but who cares. People are feeding the ducks. She pets an Alaskan Malamute, and partakes in the joys of couples she sees sitting on the benches or walking and holding each other.

They're happy, she notes. Look at them together. It just works. That's wonderful!

Toward the end of some sort of awakening within all this...

She crosses a new bridge that she didn't know was there.

And now I throw up my arms and say Yeah, that was that and it's nearly one and I'm done!

You're Always Welcome.

leesah-likes at 12:43 a.m.

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