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(a memoir)



15th letter

If you can make sense of this and solve the riddle, email me and I will give you a treat!
Today after my walk (which was very pleasant), this old man rang the doorbell. I opened the door and in some sneaky (only not really sneaky) way he kind of let himself in. He had a briefcase and he seemed happy to see me and he said "I have something for you" and stuff like that in kind of a cheery way. I thought it was something else* and I didn't prevent him from coming in because of this. He put his brief case on the dining room table and opened it. "You get to choose," he told me. And then he pulled out a brush thingy, another brush thingy, and a rubber spatula. He held them out like a hand of cards. I took the spatula. No, sorry Sir, I am not the woman of the house, my mom should be home soon (but not soon enough for you to wait around for her!). He left a brochure/catalog with me and "promised" to be back at the beginning of March. I recently took a look at the pamphlet, and part of it kind of amused me. Under the credit card info, check out the last line here.
Throughout that whole paragraph, I kept noticing tangents that I wanted to mention.
Oh! Yes, first the walk. I sang to myself and it made me feel happy. A librarian complimented me on my hat and I smiled really big. I love the feeling of smiling so big that your face hurts. It's one of the best sore feelings I know. Right now a little area on the bottom of my chin/jaw is sore, so when I contemplatively put my hand there, it hurts! Oh, the walk. It was cold, my face and lips were pretty chilly by the time I got home. Walks are never quite as soothing as I intend them to be, but I think they are good for me. I thought about all the people I know and how good they are. I ought to start enjoying them more.
Oh, I put the asteriks (?) by the "something else" so I wouldn't forget. My mom told me last night that this old man came to the house and was really excited. His son lives at 545 3rd Avenue West and he had been receiving some of our mail, including a letter from Northwestern University. This old man (that's a song! ha!) was excited because that's his alma-mater (whatever that means.. just kidding). He wanted to make sure I got it, and he wanted to come and talk to me and my mom about it. That made me feel pretty happy. Mom and I are thinking of taking college tours at Macalester (in Minnesota) and Northwestern University (in Chicago..!) this summer. I also want to see Willamette.
Oh, what else? Oh yeah, I discovered that thing on the brochure while I was in the bathroom. Maybe this isn't worth talking about, but whenever I go to the bathroom I need to read something. I feel really uncomfortable sitting there and I need to keep myself occupied..! I know this isn't something people talk about, but I thought it was interesting enough to be typeable.
Hmm.. maybe there was more.. oh! One month until my vacation! Yayness! Mom says she hopes it snows feet (hah, funny phrasing) here while we're gone. I might take a bath and pretend I'm there.
The best thing to do is derive inspiration from everyone around. I am so happy to be where I am and really should never be sad. This is my short-term goal, to appreciate and explore everything in the happiness it all deserves. I am not going to force it, because I really don't think I have to. Hopefully it will develop into a way of life. (develop.) I feel like hugging something in a completely non-mushy way.
Well, that's probably enough Oh's for one day. Thanks for stopping by..!

leesah-likes at 6:57 p.m.

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