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(a memoir)



wine toast

My biology teacher says "bullpucky" a lot. It's really funny.

Speech practice was ok today except I kep thinking of elsewhere places that I would rather be. Maybe I can't speak for myself. Other people seem to like doing that for me sometimes. I am sure that the minds of others were more agreeably engaged than my own.

I didn't enjoy English class today. Being tardy was great, despite overtly weird hand gestures. After the mundane presentation (which was really quite boring and unuseful), Mrs. Brown started to throw out all of these philosophical and open-ended quesitons at us as if to spark an intellectual debate about ethics. that was unsuccessful at best. It was a bit irritating and menacing. What do you think? What you do think?

Instead of listening, I sat there the whole time and made a drawing that I hate. It started as almost promising in math class, and evolved into some mechanical and predictable rubbish. I knew I hated it and that the way it was turning out bothered me. But I had to keep going. It is an orderly mess, and I refuse to accept it as related to my life in any way.

Ever wish that you could freeze time? That's a stupid question, because everyone wishes it. To all the government officials who read my website, I suggest that the US Federal Government randomly selects a few moments throughout the year where the whole nation just stops and nothing functions. Stay where you are. Of course I would feel bad for someone scrubbing a toilet or lifting heavy equipment at the time, but the freeze time would overall be good, at least for me personally. Especially since I know someone who is lucky and could be stopped and the most opportune time. So government, if you will, put this whim in your dainty suggestion box.

Mr. Armstrong was talking today in history class, and it really got me thinking about all the misconceptions people have about America's history. This country was started by people in their quest of freedom and the right to believe in their own religion! No, not really. The nation was primarily, if not only, founded upon the prospect of gaining wealth and power. This isn't a haven, it's an investment. And the Civil War. It was supposedly all about liberating the blacks against the Southern bigots who violently supressed them. The North was more industrial and developed and "knew better." It is disregarded that only 1 in 10 Northerners were true abolitionists. The other 90% werejust racist scumbags like the rest. It is forgotten that the Civil War was really about lifestyles and ideals, not some ceremonious breaking of the chains that were cuffed around slaves. Our history has be glamorized before our own eyes. So victorious and steadfast and valiant we were. Are. A country is defined by its past. Ours isn't truly known, but misread. The very base of America's patriotism is cynical, and the perception is skewed. I don't hate this country. But I also do not appreicate its thick eye lids.

Mom yells at me when I'm driving. i yell back. I hate it when she tells me "be careful!" I reply with some snide sarcastic remark. "Well, I wasn't planning on it, but if you insist..."

Hump day is soon enough! Park! Walking! It will be good, at least mine will. I promise to smile more. Not in an obligated way, but in a true way. I promise to see that goodness in people that I overlook. I'm sorry. You are so, so good. I know it, and I'll look for it and I'll enjoy it. Don't bother with mine, it will be too busy enjoying yours. Second person perspecive ("you" format, for those of you less gramatically adept) sucks, but consider this my wine toast at the dinner table, spoken to the valued guests seated around and enjoying the friendly feast. Wine, toast, table, you, it's all great. see you at the dessert tray, it'll be sweet. :D

leesah-likes at 7:42 p.m.

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