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(a memoir)



fatally optimistic

People got hurt in Polson the other day. I hope it's no one that I know. That doesn't seem right to say, but somehow it's true. Hoopfest and such, ah. It's a sad story. The D.I.L. paper quoted one person as saying "'s not like anyone had a pet elephant up there with them..." This is probably too true, although I must admit that would be awesome, and it would offer a veritable excuse for the accident. Yeesh. I remember that song...! Mostly from one "The Little Rascals" movie remake. How lame-o (LAME, right?). The "o" must be most difficult for some. ("'O' is for the only one I see"..) Parts of such a spiteful song remain true, however: "love is more than just a game for twooo..." Yuk, I can think of several better tunes at this moment! Oh, the moon was so BIG last night! Big, hazy, and milky... yet somehow incredibly vivid. Those craters! I can see them, I can see it all. ...Wouldn't that be funny if I am home already? Perhaps I've been back for a few days now? Or maybe I just like to tease. This deserves consideration. Jack Handy knows best. If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. Speaking of Jacks.. jack-o-lanterns... pumpkins, smashing them! There's a stretch! Flexibility (what a FUN word!) pays off! I like too many things. May I offer a few examples....? Sleeping in, clothes fresh out of the dryer, when people pronounce it "vaz" instead of "vase," farmers with straws hanging out of their mouths, bouquets of baby's breath (it's a flower-ish thing- I'm not being really odd here), the fact that ears are as unique as fingerprints, pussywillow branches, the rush of jumping in the lake, sunsets and seeing resembling shapes in clouds, dogs that look like they are smiling (even if they are not), retro game shows, knowing who is calling when the phone rings without using caller ID, AND SO ON. See, there are lots of things! This list could easily continue. Adding to the list of things I like... you! You are probably one of them, I should think! Yay! I like being spoken to, but not of. New Found Glory's newest CD is called "Catalyst." This doesn't really interest me much, but it seemed worth mentioning. I hope Greenday's next doesn't horribly disappoint, Warning was the case but maybe American Idiot will be better..? As for music, revisit old stuff, it's fun. I've been reliving 311 and such for a while now, praise them. Sorry I am not going to recount my day, I'd rather offer random musings like this and whatever other lameness of my own scent that I can concoct...! Irk irk! Well friends, I'll be seeing you!

leesah-likes at of edit

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